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Gold Star is an award-winning English School with the 'Royal Seal of Approval'.

I've been impressed by the variety of techniques and tools to educate and encourage my young daughter. I've been even more impressed by the results. 

Kristie Lu Stout

World-renowned Anchor / Correspondent

Our Story

Our Story


We believe children's learning should be personalised, challenging yet fun, guided by highly trained teachers, in a family-like caring and light-hearted culture. We could not find an English school with these attributes, so... 2010, Gold Star English (Wan Chai) was opened by Peter Phillips, the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II of the UK (as reported in the South Morning China Post). 


Today, we have a unique English curriculum for children aged 3-12 years, created by combining our local experience in Asia with the most effective teaching methods used in the top schools in native-English speaking countries. We are a fully registered school with the Education Bureau in Hong Kong, with an excellent reputation locally and in Mainland China. In 2015, we won "Hong Kong's Most Trusted Education Bureau School" award in recognition of our achievements.

Why Gold Star?



1. EDB fully approved school; nominated "Most Trusted EDB School" award.


2. Our highly qualified staff really care about students' development.


3. Unique, well structured curriculum with proven results.


4. We specialise in personalised teaching tailored for each student.


5. Most importantly, children love us. Read our Philosophy to see why.



Why Gold Star
Teaching Philosophy

Our Education Philosophy


We don't just teach the academic theories and techniques, we also inspire values and learning habits that stay with children in the long run.


We believe we should:


1. Develop learners' ability to solve problems on their own.


2. Provide a safe place to nurture individuality.


3. Fuel children's curiosity, creativity and imagination.


4. Empower learners to associate learning with fun.


5. Support parents in understanding their children's development needs.


Please get in touch with us to find out more.

Copyright ©2010-2017 Gold Star English Ltd. All rights reserved.

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